Q: What is different about Virtual Accountant and Virtual Tax Advisor?
A: The way we communicate and exchange information. Virtual Accountant is available to meet and communicate with you online, accessible via your preferred device using instant messaging and web conferencing.
Q: I prefer to meet in person, can I still do this?
A: Yes, you can. We also prefer to meet with you in person whenever possible, especially for the first time to get acquainted and establish a professional relationship.
Q: Is Virtual Accountant available in regional or remote areas of Australia?
A: Yes, you can work with us if you have access to secure and reliable internet connection.
Q: How do I engage a Virtual Accountant?
A: It is the same as offline. After initial consultation you will receive an engagement letter outlining the terms and conditions. Once you return a signed copy we can start working.
Q: I am concerned about the privacy of the online meetings and instant messaging. How secure are they?
A: Virtual Accountant is using most popular and widely available Web Conferencing and instant messaging software like Skype and Google Hangouts. Please review and agree to the terms, conditions and privacy policy of your preferred software provider before commencing any communication. You may choose to meet in person to maximise the privacy of a particular discussion.